Pests can be menacing at times and such harmful pests should be paid immediate attention. Pest control companies such as Saela Pest will help you in getting rid of such dangerous pests. These pests not only destroy your living area, but also impose a lot of damage to your garden. They uproot your favorite plants and bring permanent damage to the drainage of your garden.
Below mentioned are few pests that should never be allowed in the garden:
Colorado Potato Beetle
These pests are found mainly on cherry tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and petunias across North America. The adult beetles have yellow-orange bodies with around ten black stripes on their wing covers. These pests kill all the young plants. There are many possible options to get rid of them, but these options take a lot of time.
These are fat, gray or black, almost an inch long segmented larvae that become active during the night time. These are found throughout North America. They mostly survive on early vegetation and flower seedlings. These pests easily chew the plants from its stems and completely destroy small plants.
It is, therefore, advisable to check their presence mainly in the months of May and June. The sooner they are noticed, the faster you can save your plants.

Cabbage Maggots
These stick to Chinese cabbages and survive almost across North America. Maggots make their home in the roots thereby directly killing the plant growth and making place for certain disease-stricken organisms. It is, thus, very important to exterminate these pests before they destroy the growth of every vegetable-plant in your garden.
Caterpillars are soft bodied and segmented larvae. They have harder head capsule and have fleshy legs on the back sections. They are mostly found breeding on the leaves, plants, ornamentals, fruits and vegetables. They are also found inside the vegetables and fruits. They can contaminate food with their defecation. Hence, it is important that you use certain methods to get rid of them completely.
These are pear-shaped critters with two tubes and long antennae. Fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, shade trees and flowers are their home. They are present throughout North America. These pests suck up the sac of plants thereby distorting the foliage and dropping off the leaves. They are also known to spread viral diseases.
These pests belong to the bug family and can be controlled by following few steps. Since they create a lot of menace, their entry to your garden must be blocked immediately.
These can be found in three types – females like soft or hard bumps on the stems, fruits or leaves; males are in the shape of a flying insect, and larvae are usually like tiny and soft ones crawling insects. They nest on many indoor plants, fruits, ornamentals, shrubs and trees. Alike the ones mentioned above, even they are found across North America. These too suck the plants’ sap thereby making the plants extremely vulnerable.
The aftermath of this is plants turn yellow, start dropping off leaves and die within a short span of time. You really need to be extra cautious the moment you see any such pest surviving in your garden area.
Japanese Beetles
These are metallic blue-green in color with bronze wings. These are found on most of the vegetables, small fruits and flowers. Adult beetles chew the flowers, defoliate the plants and squeeze the leaves to death. It is crucial that you look after such pests in your garden so you can take necessary actions.
Use words like Saela Pest to know more about such harmful pests.