Pest control is a mandatory process particularly when you are living in a city. This process helps you to remain safe during any epidemic diseases. You can actually kick off few allergies from your list if you are in a habit of doing pest control once every three to four months. Search for any Exterminator Services to look after the matter of pests at your place.
However, do not forget to do the following things after you are done with the pest control:
Do Not Enter Immediately
The thumb-rule is you will need to wait outside for at about two to four hours after the pest control service. Quick entry may infect you upon ingesting or inhaling strong pest control chemicals. The conditions can prove fatal too if not taken seriously. It is, hence, a strict ‘no’ for anybody (no matter how strong or fit he or she is) to enter a place where pest control is done.
Certain chemicals leave residues on things and can have adverse effects on human or pet health.
Do Not Allow Pets To Enter
If you really love your pets, you wouldn’t only transfer them to a different place before pest control, but you also will not bring them back quickly at your place. Pets are more susceptible to odors and there are certain chemicals that can act adversely on pets’ health. Pets also have a habit of wandering inside the house, licking their own feet and eating from the floor.
This can put them in trouble. Hence keep them away from the serviced place for at least a day or two.
Open Doors and Windows
The first thing to do when you enter your house after pest control is done is to open all the doors and windows. Do this during the day time to avoid mosquitoes and other nocturnal insects to enter your place again. Switch on all the fans for cross ventilation and free flow of air within the rooms. This will assist the chemical odor to subside so you can breathe openly.
Avoid Cleaning Your Place
Do not clean your place immediately after you are done with pest control. This will wash off all the residues of chemicals that act as strong pest repellants. Leave the place as it is and avoid touching the surfaces of walls, floor, roof and furniture. The smell and the residue will gradually fade with time thereby leaving lasting effects on any pest entering your place.
Throw All The Food Away
Any food which was left open or out during the pest control should immediately be thrown out after wrapping in a bag or putting in a box. Avoid throwing this food in your home trash as your pet may sometime sniff or lick there. Pest controllers use strong chemicals, at times, to get rid of some stubborn pests.
These strong chemicals, if ingested, with food can cause fatality to humans. Hence, take extreme precautions when it comes to food.
Wash All The Kids’ Items
In case any of your kid’s items is left outside before the pest control, you will need to wash it off properly to get rid of the chemicals in it. Wash the child’s bed sheets and pillow covers, if you forgot to take these off before the pest control. Any strong chemical ingestion by your kid can cause fatal damage to him or her.
It is, therefore, highly recommended that you keep all their belongings locked inside the closet before the pest control.
Do some online search using words such as Exterminator Services for reading more instructions on to-do things after pest control.