Examples of encryption technologies that may be used to authenticate and secure communication between any two parties over the internet include Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS). SSL stands for “secure sockets layer,” which is what it means. “Transport Layer Security” is often abbreviated as “TLS.”
The Interchangeable Use of TLS and SSL
These days tls and ssl are sometimes used interchangeably, however SSL was first. In most cases, if you see the terms SSL or TLS, or even just SSL, it means that the newest version of TLS is being utilised.
Encryption is the process of encrypting messages so that no one except the intended sender and receiver can read them. It’s possible that anybody from people to servers to businesses to governments may be on the receiving end of this conversation. Encryption protocols define the framework, resources, and rules that are used by both sides. To encrypt and decode data in line with the agreed-upon protocol, cyphers are the techniques or algorithms used to accomplish the actual work.
The first known use of encryption dates back to about 500 B.C
The ancient Greek Spartans encrypted military despatches using a device called a Scytale. The Scytale was shaped like a cylinder with exact measurements. The message was written on each turn of the coil while the cylinder was being wrapped in paper. After unrolling the paper, it would be meaningless unless it was rewound onto a second cylinder of the same length and diameter.
The Scytale algorithm is employed as the method of encryption in this case. Encryption methods are based on the ratio between the cylinder diameter and the parchment strip width. Deciphering requires wrapping and unwrapping the strip around the cylinder in a certain way several times.
Most historical discussions of cryptography and encryption methods revolve on military or combat communications. The military has been credited with setting the stage for the development of cryptography.
SSL and TLS: Why Do We Need Them?
Nowadays, encryption is used not just in classified military communications but also in everyday life. The Radicati 2021 Email statistics research projected that by 2023, 347 billion emails will be delivered daily.
These numbers are quite reasonable
Everyday people rely on online applications for anything from entertainment to financial management. More and more governmental operations are being moved online, where they can be performed more quickly and by more people. From the medical field to the academic world, cloud-connected applications are indispensable.
In order to collaborate on projects, many businesses employ day-to-day technology like Slack and Google Workspace. SaaS programmes on the cloud are used to handle several facets of the company, such as customer relationship management (CRM) using Salesforce.
Because of the complexity and variety of today’s applications and use cases, sensitive information is usually constantly in transit. The increased attack surface makes it simpler for criminals to access sensitive information. There is a risk of extortion, fraud, and even identity theft while dealing with PII. Businesses risk having sensitive information about their operations, employees, or customers intercepted if they fail to take adequate security precautions.